Psalm 29

Ye men of birth and high renown,
Who, zealous for the heav'nly crown,
Have gallant deeds atchiev'd,
The Lord with thankfulness adore,
The strength, the praise to him restore,
From whom ye both receiv'd.

Give to the Lord's most holy name,
The honour which his merits claim,
In meekness as ye kneel;
With reverence pay your daily vow;
In seemliness and order bow
With lively faith and zeal.

The word of infinite command,
August, adorable and grand,
The water-flood controuls;
And in terrific glory breaks
Upon the billows, and he speaks
The thunder as it rolls.

The voice of God and pow'r are one,
The mandate which he gives is done
In all the dread profound;
Vast operative strength and skill,
The proclamation of his will,
Is of majestic sound!

The voice of God in anger drives
The tempest to the mark, and rives
The cedar-trees in twain,
Yea Lebanon, with all his growth,
Was rifted when the Lord was wroth,
And strawn along the plain.

The lofty mountains huge and steep,
At voice of his commandment leap
Like calves upon the sod
And Libanus and Sirion too
Bound like young unicorns to do
Obeisance to their God.

The voice of God divides the flakes
Of torrent fire, his mandate shakes
The wilderness with fear;
Yea Kadesh with his voice he shocks,
And caverns, mountains, woods and rocks
With dreadful trembling hear.

The voice of God upon the lawn
Descends and causes hinds to fawn,
The thicket disarrays;
With terror strikes the human race,
Who that tremendous time embrace,
For publick pray'r and praise.

The Lord in highest heav'n ascends,
The while his stedfast course he bends
All ocean's depth to ford;
From eastern to the western beam,
The Lord is evermore supream,
Is evermore ador'd.

The Lord shall make his people strong,
With corn and wine our lives prolong,
And cloath us with his fleece;
He shall the bonds of sin unloose,
And on our consciences diffuse
The blessing of his peace.
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