For the Sailors' Fair

Like gallant barque, with canvas spread,
And streamers fluttering in the wind;
The youthful sailor leaves his home,
And all he loves on earth behind.

His Country calls; — he hears her voice,
And boldly o'er the ocean sails;
He cares not for its fiercest storms,
Nor for an armed foe he fears.

Nor, when, in port, disease has laid
Its hand upon his manly frame,
And far from home and friends he dies,
Is he forgetful of her fame.

His Country's flag, his chief delight,
As bright it waved above his head;
Is folded round his lifeless form,
In honor of the noble dead!

And shall the living back return
Aged and sick, infirm and poor;
Without a shelter, or a home,
Begging their bread from door to door?

No! Let them, conflicts wanderings o'er,
In their last years find peace and rest;
The comforts which the body needs
The hopes with which the soul is blest.

Here Christian Love's kind voice and hand
Shall for their wants a Home prepare,
And bid each friendless seaman come,
And freely all her blessings share.
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