Scene 19


Enter Sir C LYOMON .

Clyo. Long have I sought, but all in vain, for neither far nor near
Of my Neronis, woful dame, by no means can I hear.
Did ever fortune violate two lovers in such sort?
The griefs, ah, are intolerable the which I do support
For want of her! but hope somewhat revives my pensive heart,
And doth to me some sudden cause of comfort now impart
Through news I hear, as I abroad in weary travel went;
How that the queen her mother hath her proclamations sent
Through every land, to get a knight to combat on her side,
Against Mustantius duke and lord to have a matter tried;
And now the day is very nigh, as I do understand:
In hope to meet my lady there I will into that land,
And for her mother undertake the combat for to try,
Yea, though the other Hector were, I would him not deny,
Whatsoever he be: but, ere I go, a golden shield I'll have;
Although unknown, I will come in as doth my knighthood crave;
But cover'd will I keep my shield, because I'll not be known,
If case my lady be in place, till I have prowess shown.
Well, to have my shield in readiness, I will no time delay,
And then to combat for the queen I straight will take my way.
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