

Will Jockey cum to day mither
Will Jockey cum to day
He's taen sic likeings to my brither
He's sure to cum the day
Haud yer tongue lass mind yer rockie
But tither day ye wore a frock aye
What can ye mean to think o' Jocky
Yere bin content the season lang
The best beams in a harmless sang


Ye'll soon see falling tears mither
If luv's a sin in youth
He leuks to me and talks wi' brither
But I know the secret truth
He's courted me the year mither
Judge nae the matter queer mither
Ye're a' the while as dear mither
As ye're bin the simmer lang
What use is't singing sangs


I'll hear nae farder preaching mither
Ise bin a child ower lang
He led me frae the preaching mither
And wherefore did he wrang
I ken he often tauks wi' brither
I neither leuk at ane or tither
You ken as well as I mither
There's nae luv in a sang
Though I've sang the simmer lang


Nae dinna be sae saucey lassie
I may be kenned ye ill
There's nae cure i' the pill
Nae I dinna want a pill mither
He luiks at me and tauks to [b]rither
And twice we've bin at kirk the gither
— I'm's well now as a simmer lang
But sumhow canna sing a sang


He cums and tauks to brither mither
And luiks his thou[gh]ts at me
He aulas saes gud neet to brither
And luiks geud neet to me
Lassie ye seldom vexed yer mither
Yer ower too fair a flower to wither
So be ye are to cum the gither
Ill be nae damp to yer new claes
Cheer up and sing o'er " Loggan braes"


Jockey cums o' sabbath days
His face is not the face oer brassy
Her mither sits to praise the claies
Howds him her box to win the lassie
He tak's a pinch and greets wi' granny
And helps his chair up nearer Fanny
And vows he loves her mair than any
She thinks her mither seldom wrang
And " Logan braes" her daily sang
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