Symphonie Heroique

We are the Mighty soldier, rhapsode or mage,
We are born to the pride of view, tamers haughty,
Centuries enslaved lie at our feet;
And it is we who forge, superhuman workers
In turn, the old human soul in our image.

We are blessed or execrated Powerful,
Fronts wreathed halo or burned anathema.
Fate has marked us for supreme destiny
And we're serious, full of pale vertigo
That disturbs the soul edge infinite dreams.

The land is cut with the edge of our swords.
We make the Word in the sacred rhythms.
Children dreamers among breaths inspired
We grow to outsized booms,
And Human Epic is made with our dreams.

We announce the new time highs;
Each sprang eternal sun gleams
Reflects its first dawn in our eyes;
Bird and the Future quivering wings,
Incubates the sacred deep in our brains eggs.

Without fail, on the appointed day, we cross the land,
Prophets and Caesars, mysterious passers
The world kneels lightning of our eyes;
And we walk, having no friend in heaven
The shadow that follows us, never lonely.

The cup which the herd drinks felicities,
We rejected, dawn already empty.
It takes other nectars our splendid thirst.
The tanks are harnessed ... and the livid world
Will tremble before our runaway horses!

The whole earth to us! ... Military purples,
The glory ride between bare swords
Sprung to the heart of naive peoples faith
Delusional flowers unknown suns,
And the great woods of dreams nerve panthers,

The whole earth to us! Wine, incense, honey,
Gold vessels emptied onto the crumbling tables,
The unheard tears streaming of strings ...
The whole earth to us! O our burning lips,
What encor for those who would drink a whole sky?

We are adventurers sublime;
When Fortune, one night, we fall under the hand
We demolish naked in a ditch of the road;
And calm in its defiance of flat human cattle,
Our beautiful pride absolves our large crimes.

We breathe the flame, and live fights;
Iron, fire, blood raining red drops
Nothing stops, one day, our souls on their roads.
Our armored insult to bad faith doubts;
And when the burning flames goal in our eyes, there,

Drunk, fists knotted mane of Chimera
We drive shrill and furious gallops ...
And if sometimes too tired our infinite bounds,
So, back broken one day we fall,
And nothing ever is greater than our misery!


We condors whose world is prey.
We go into the wind, nails stretched
Taking shreds of torn empires,
And redness of the great desperate assaults
Only in our dark eyes lit a little joy.

Our foaming horses blow terror
We orgucil wild captains;
And we want responsible distant conquests,
See before us squeezed by hundreds of people,
On which we extend a gesture of Emperor


Our dresses are hanging on fronts prostrate.
The slow pace of large censers balance,
Under golden cupolas we dream in silence.
Elongated Tigers keep our indolence.
All tremble, and we reign, serious and crowned.

Deep in our palace jasper and porphyry
We have thousands of slaves kneeling
We do die of a gesture, without wrath
To appeal to children whose eyes are we soft
And lie naked with a long smile.

The eye of terror is our open anywhere.
The ax of the executioner wears the severed heads;
And the nations of dizziness hit,
Terrible, we shine and swords
At bottom cruel heaven would hand of god!


We proclaim to the winds of heaven deliverance.
When the widow of his dead gods by his betrayal,
The soul calls the iron bars of his prison,
Our voice is heard behind the horizon,
And we appear great as Hope.

Hatred of tyrants bent on beating us.
We speak about our not scold the multitudes,
We trickle gold beatitudes;
And we will die at the bottom of solitudes,
Only with lions that our eyes are crawling.


We will, walking our dreams the world,
Drunk visions and dripping confession.
The wind of the infinite breath in our hair.
Inspired, we sing; and in our nervous fingers
The human soul awakes and resonates deep.

Still our dream birth Action.
It is we who fiançons in grandiose rites
The mystery of the Word the mystery of things;
And carved in our foreheads for apotheoses
Seed, beats and suffers creation.

We want beyond the stars crowded
Swim in the azure virgin familiar wing;
We descend the flame to the eyelid;
And this crowd, where we pay the light
Becomes night, when we passed.

Addressed the pain and love, without truce,
We change the world diamond tears.
Our passionate hearts are steaming tripods,
And centuries, large collapses,
Nothing stays the splendor of our dream.

We are blessed or execrated Powerful.
But our ancient race is now tired,
And the earth is very old, and old thinking.
Heaven too low were dwarfed soul,
And the air stifling lack the eaglets in their nests.

The world was huge for our
Dark, vessel lost qu'affole disarray.
All lights are off the old port of the Faith.
No longer believes in heaven who was believe in yourself.
O wind uprooted mourning souls!

It looks like a great death in the shadow is extended,
Around which a chorus mourn Agonies
Time is not our great tyrannies.
Swords are rusty: finished legends.
And in the deserts wood horn sounds, distracted!

The horn sounds for the ultimate ride
Hunters of Ideal galloping dazzling.
O solitude in your silence devouring
The echo only yelled the despairing appeal
Under the moon in the branches, Coy!.

Here comes the ominous flight of ravens,
Crows claims cutters old worlds.
All the future is their filthy black wings ...
The sea goes up and down with deep voices
That tomorrow will pass over our graves.

And later, the sea flat calm ages
Only sometimes took a strange define evil
Children suddenly feeling will fade
Their great heart visited by a large memory,
And die heroic regret flippers.
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