T'was in the midst of June

T'was in the midst of June
When the meadows they were green
When the hay was thronged wi' butterflys
From morning time till e'en
When swarms of bees were singing
All about the meadow flowers
And dew drops on the grass so green
Fell i' the morning hours
As thick as drops O' diamonds
As thick as showers O' pearl
I went across the meadow
Wi' my bonny Oundle Girl
I crossed with her the meadows
Right early i' the morn
When the crow sat on the willows
And the lark sung from the corn

Her face was fair and handsome
Her dress cornbottle blue
Her cheeks were like the meadow pink
That grows beside the lake
I clasped around her white neck
And I loved her leal and true
And a dog rose from
The wild briar I gathered
For her sake

The honey button burnet
Looked black above the grass
And the major meadow daisy's
Waved like the foaming surf
I wandered by the side O'
The bonny bosomed lass
Who lightly as an angel
Stept o'er the satin turf

The meadow it was beautiful
The hedges they were gay
And meadow flowers among the grass
Were loveliest in hue
As o'er the pleasant meadow land
Our love walk lay
Over clumps of lady fingers
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