For the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons

We come, but not to celebrate
Amid the flight and whirl of years,
The deeds of heroes, on whose brows
Are laurels, drenched with blood and tears.

Nor yet to tell of wondrous deeds
Performed on fields of bloodless strife;
But of the lonely precious things,
That bless and beautify our life.

And from the annals of the poor
We would unfold a shining page;
And tell of kindly hands that smoothed
The rugged path of faltering age.

To shelter those who long have borne
Life's chilling storms and searching heat,
In restful homes, with love alight
What charity more pure and sweet?

But not beneath this spacious Home
Was laid the first foundation stone,
But in the hearts that learned to feel
For woman stricken, old and lone.

To Hall and Truman, Still and Laing
Was given power to aid and bless;
And, faithful to her sacred charge,
Constant, and helping, stood Ann Jess.

May Sarah Pennock, whose kind hand
Has often brought the " Home " relief
Feel life replete with God's great peace;
Find light in darkness, joy in grief.

Custodian of the Generous purse
May Israel Johnson long remain —
And reach at last the happy land,
Where faithful service meets its gain.

And join again departed forms
Of wife and sister passed before;
Who gave their treasure to the Lord,
By generous gifts unto His poor.

And some who met with us erewhile,
Have passed unto the other side;
Like precious fragrance, may their deeds
Within our heart of hearts abide.

Year after year, within these walls,
Did Dillwyn Parrish faithful stand;
Til He " Who gives his loved ones sleep "
Released, in death, his helpful hand.

Of those who scattered flowers fair
Around the verge of parting life,
We would record with grateful words,
The names of Stephen Smith and wife.

Whose hands, enriched with golden store,
Gave of their wealth to build this " Home, "
And changed a narrow domicile
Into a grand and stately dome.

Oh! When our earthly homes shall fail
And vanish from our fading sight
May friends and patrons meet again
In God's fair halls of love and light.

Where homeless ones shall never weep,
Nor weary aged wanderers roam;
But walk amid the golden streets
Secure within our Father's home.
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