Upon Routing the Scots Army


To the Tune of Through the Wood Lady .


C A m lend, lend y'are lugs Joes, an Ise speak a Song,
Sing heome agen Jocky, sing heome agen Jocky,
O hes velient Acts an hes Prowes emong,
Sing heome agen heome agen O valent Jocky.


Sirs, Jockie's a Man held a mickle Note,
Sing heome agen Jocky, &c .
Tha Breech o tha Covenant stuck in hes Throte,
Sing heome agen, heome agen, &c.


For Jockie was riteous, whilk ye wad admire,
Sing heome agen Jocky, &c .
A fooght for tha Kirk, bet a plunder'd tha Quire
Sing heome agen Jocky, &c .


An Jockie waxt roth, and toll Angland a cam,
Sing heome agen Jocky, &c .
Fro whence hee'd return, but alack a is lame,
Sing heome agen Jocky, &c .


An Jockie was armed fro topp toll to toe,
Sing heome agen Jocky, &c .
Wi a po're o Men and th'are geod D — — I tro,
Sing heome agen Jocky, &c .


So valent I wis they were, an sa prat,
Sing heome agen Jocky, &c .
Ne Cock nor Hen durst stand in thare gat,
Sing heome agen Jocky, &c .


In every strete thay ded sa flutter,
Sing heome agen Jocky, &c .
Ne Child durst shaw his Bred and Butter,
Sing heome agen , Jocky, &c .


Whan th' Anglish Forces they her'd on o're night,
Sing heome again Jocky, &c .
Next Morne thay harnest themsels for a fight,
Sing heome agen, heome agen, &c.


Thare D — — wes tha Mon that wad be sen stoot,
Sing heome agen , Jocky, &c .
He feas't tham awhile, then turn'd Ars's about,
Sing heome agen, heome agen, &c.


Tha Men that ater this valent Scot went,
Sing heome agen Jocky, &c .
Had ner foond him oout, bet by a strong sent,
Sing heome agen, heome agen O valent Jocky.


Bet se tha reward o that Cowardly Crue,
Sing heome agen Jocky, &c.
Thare Countremon Ballatine sent 'em to Corfew ,
Not home agen, home agen, O slavish Jocky.
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