To W T, Upon His Cyprian to Donatus
By an unknown Hand.
The Skill in Latin , and the Use of Schools
Is still deny'd to us poor Female Fools ;
The Men , for sooth, compassionately kind,
Pretend it is, in Favour of the Mind.
Alas! poor Woman! her effeminate Brain
Cannot the Burthen of the Schools sustain!
The Tree of Knowledge , and its noble Fruit ,
With her insipid Palate would not sute.
Our Tyrants , hitherto, no Means have try'd,
Unless to feed our Vanities and Pride :
A thousand Ways to indulge our Sense they find,
But never studdy to improve the Mind .
Whilst, damn'd to Follies , we must still be vain ,
T' advance the Customs and the Merchant's Gain .
I still imagin'd, and I now descry,
There was conceal'd some hidden Mistery ,
Fenc'd from the Searches of a Woman 's Eye;
But T UNSTALL , bravely, does our Cause maintain,
Has broke the Orchard , and the Dragon slain:
He kindly has presented to our Hands ,
Fruits only known t' a stedious F EW in Bands ;
The golden Apples , now salute our View ,
And, to our Reach , he bends the loaded Bow .
He has disclos'd, great Cyprian 's hidden Mine ;
The M ARTYR , now, in English Dress does shine,
And we have have Liberty to touch the S HRINE .
The Skill in Latin , and the Use of Schools
Is still deny'd to us poor Female Fools ;
The Men , for sooth, compassionately kind,
Pretend it is, in Favour of the Mind.
Alas! poor Woman! her effeminate Brain
Cannot the Burthen of the Schools sustain!
The Tree of Knowledge , and its noble Fruit ,
With her insipid Palate would not sute.
Our Tyrants , hitherto, no Means have try'd,
Unless to feed our Vanities and Pride :
A thousand Ways to indulge our Sense they find,
But never studdy to improve the Mind .
Whilst, damn'd to Follies , we must still be vain ,
T' advance the Customs and the Merchant's Gain .
I still imagin'd, and I now descry,
There was conceal'd some hidden Mistery ,
Fenc'd from the Searches of a Woman 's Eye;
But T UNSTALL , bravely, does our Cause maintain,
Has broke the Orchard , and the Dragon slain:
He kindly has presented to our Hands ,
Fruits only known t' a stedious F EW in Bands ;
The golden Apples , now salute our View ,
And, to our Reach , he bends the loaded Bow .
He has disclos'd, great Cyprian 's hidden Mine ;
The M ARTYR , now, in English Dress does shine,
And we have have Liberty to touch the S HRINE .
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