The Watch and the Dogs

Th' unweary'd Watch their list'ning Leaders keep,
And crouching close, repell invading Sleep.
So faithful Dogs their fleecy Charge maintain,
With Toil protected from the prowling Train;
When the gaunt Lioness, with Hunger bold,
Springs from the Mountains tow'rd the guarded Fold:
Thro' breaking Woods her rust'ling Course they hear;
Loud, and more loud, the Clamours strike their Ear
Of Hounds and Men; they start, they gaze around;
Watch ev'ry Side, and turn to ev'ry Sound.
Thus watch'd the Grecians, cautious of Surprize,
Each Voice, each Motion, drew their Ears and Eyes;
Each Step of passing Feet increas'd th'Affright;
And hostile Troy was ever full in sight.
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