Up from the Wheelbarrow

Some people understand all about machinery,
And to them it is just like beautiful poetry or beautiful scenery,
Because they know how to control and handle it,
Because they understandle it,
Yes, when they are confronted with a complicated piece of machinery,
Why, they are as cool and collected as a dean sitting in his deanery,
And I certainly wish I were among them because if there is one thing that makes me terrified and panical,
It is anything mechanical and nowadays everything is mechanical.
O thrice unhappy home
Where master doesn't know the difference between a watt and an ohm!
O radio glum and silent as a glum and silent burial
When no one knows what to do about the grounding or the aerial!
O four-door sedan cantankerous and stubborn and Mad Hattery,
With none to give a thought to occasionally changing the oil or once in a while checking on the battery!
O telephone and vacuum cleaners and cameras and electric toasters and streamlined locomotives and artificial refrigeration,
O thermostats and elevators and cigarette-lighters and air-conditioning units and all ye other gadgets that make ours a mighty nation,
I think you are every one a miracle,
And you do wonderful things and it's probably only because I don't see how you do what you do that when I think of you I become hystirical,
And of course that is silly of me because what does it matter how you function so long as all I have to do to get you to function is push a button or throw a switch,
Always assuming that I can remember which is which,
So keep on functioning, please,
Because if you don't I shall starve or freeze.
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