When the Feast Do Come Round

Be ground vull dry an' blue the sky,
When the feäst do come round;
Days be long, limbs be strong,
An' voices ov merry sound;
As we thicken on the grass
Till warm-aïr'd noon,
Till the day do pass,
An' evenen dew do come too soon.

Wi' merry tuens, merry doens,
Feäts 'o strangth or fun;
To music sweet, litty veet,
Zome leäp, zome run;
All laugh, zome zing,
Zome hop, zome kick,
Or push the maïdens on the swing
Till the zun do zet too quick.

Then there's a band, hand in hand,
A-wheelen round an' keepen time
Wi' nimble toos in little shoes
To ve'ses all in rhime;
Till they do spread abroad in flight,
As rafted rooks a-flee on low,
To ground, swiftheäded, till the night
Do leäve the ground to show.English
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