While thou hast gode and getest gode

While thou hast gode and getest gode,
For gode thou might be holde;
Who hath no gode, he can no gode—
A gode man so me tolde.
It is noght gode for no gode
Of gode for to be bolde;
But thy gode to God be gode,
Thy gode will fail and folde.
With an “V” and an “I” gode will come and go;
But thy godes grounde be gode, thy gode will worche thee wo.

That is gode that doth man gode
When he goth to the grave;
Other gode was never gode
But gode that will man save.
Gif thy gode while thou hast gode;
Gode than might thou crave.
For it is gode to worche gode,
For God that doth it have.
With an “V” and an “I” gode is gode to wisse,
For with gode thou might be gode, and bye hevene blisse.

To do gode God gaf thee gode,
For thy gode and noght hisse;
Do gode for thy soule gode,
And that is gode, iwisse.
If thou hast gode and dost no gode,
That gode is gon amisse;
For evil gode is cleped gode
For wham man left his blisse.
With an “V” and an “I” gode is that gode doth;
Other gode was never gode for certein and forsoth.

A sliper gode is erthly gode,
For that gode will away;
Goddes gode is ever gode,
And other gode is fay.
Ken thy gode and know thy gode
And do gode well alway;
For it is gode to worch gode
For gode that lasteth ay.
With an “V” and an “I” in gode is gode ende,
For all is gode which endes gode, and therto Crist us sende.
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