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242nd Weekly Poetry Contest honorable mention: Love Like Starlight

by angela_yuriko_smith

Darkness cheers
and hides perfection.
No curve, smooth and smiling
hides under this basket.
Hushing answers.
Conjuring peace.

The raven night
veils your lids
healing, gentle and cool
washing dreams in watercolor
shades of shadow and
hues of galaxy.

The hot morning berates
with beams to pin us
like stiff specimens—
butterflies on cardboard—
soft feathers smearing
midnight blue
against rough brown.

The dragon day
casts us away
unforgiving, harsh and hot
burning our dreams
into ashen minutes
that fall into schedules.

Our love becomes starlight
in the morning, invisible
in the glam and yammer
exchange of hours
that chase us
from ask to task.

StokerCon 2019 Souvenir Book

242nd Weekly Poetry Contest

Thank you!

Angela Yuriko Smith
