Autumn Song

Liu Yuxi (772 – 842)
Since ancient times we’ve felt the autumn’s silent solitude
And yet for me the autumn sun outshines a springtime dawn;
In clear blue skies, a row of cranes between the clouds above—
At ease I’m pleased with poetry until the night is drawn.
秋詞Qiū Cí
劉禹錫Liú Yǔxī
自古逢秋悲寂寥Zì gǔ féng qiū bēi jì liáo
我言秋日勝春朝Wǒ yán qiū rì shèng chūn zhāo
晴空一鶴排雲上Qíng kōng yī hè pái yún shàng
便引詩情到碧宵Biàn yǐn shī qíng dào bì xiāo
Transliteration and Notes
Autumn Song
Since ancient-times come-across autumn sorrow quiet desolate
I say autumn sun better-than spring morning
Clear skies one crane row clouds above
Easy draw-out poetic feeling until jade-blue night
Although late autumn traditionally carries a melancholy connotation as the green life of nature falls away to reveal desolate trees, the author expresses his admiration for the time of year. Melancholy is a thread that runs throughout poetry, and in the barren branches of autumn, the sun shines through and the sky is more visible. The poet takes delight in a row of cranes flying among the clouds and stays in this mood until nightfall.
Liu Yuxi was descended from nomadic people, but by this time, his family was well established in the Chinese aristocracy. He became a government official, either serving or being banished, depending on who was in power. As a poet, he exceled at the 7-character form, exemplified here.

Author of original: 
Liu Yuxi