by Ifeolu

When did they kill him?
May or April?
Why did they kill him?
For maiming or gaming?
How did they kill him?
By hanging or thanking?
Where did they kill him?
In the watertank or the butterfang?
Who killed him?

My skin keeps our kin-tins
My dimples beep in canteens
My loop holes peep into meetings
My lip holds people's timid inns
My sleep sips Igbo's limit-kings
Yoruba must roll the bad bar
Hausa must house the sour sac
Fulani must fool the lad's knees
Who killed him?

Charcoal and snow
Chocolate I know
I'm cold and low
I grow light loads
Of snow-like folds
I mow wide golds
I tow side toads
I sow fried boats
Who killed him?

Churches echo: "never fast to pass out"
George's eagle reminded thirst to lash out
Youngest to die, strongest to try
Longest trial, shortest denial
Roughest to sigh, toughest to tire
I saw the signs, but I saw his might
Who killed him?

Stinney: skinny, not tinny
His Bible bribed his eyeballs
His Bible binds these high doors
Like binomial hikes, hiding dying pores
The binary digits of his Egypt very rigid
Cheering Cherubim in his chalky chair

May or April?
For maiming or gaming?
By hanging or thanking?
In the watertank or the butterfang?

Of America?
Who stilled George Stinney's eyes?
Who let George Stinney die?
And why?



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