When I read everybody’s words
To share openly, they assumed
Feelings flowing fast and strong
They’ll explode before too long
They do appear to be consumed
A cacophony of screeching birds

Some in angst, others enraged
A few now recall passions spent
Rarely humble or show humility
For balance, displaying no ability
Nor clear signs that they repent
But with full expression engaged

Some with a nod toward a form
Most write freely, almost prose
On occasion, using metaphor
Yet imagery is sometimes poor
What stimulus, no-one knows
Often easier to ride the storm

Few maintain a classical temper
Just observing natural beauty
Or love as a mirror’s reflection
Hoping to restore a connection
More than just a sense of duty
A picture painted with distemper

But as I read, I know full well
This is an echo of my soul too
Maybe drawn in a different style
And there’s a place for such bile
It resonates and appears as true
A glimpse into their private hell



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