The Cult of Trump
By Ramona Thompson
The times have changed and sadly the lambs to the slaughter have been led
Hell has sent its best and so now the brain washing in earnest can begin
Everywhere you look an army of mindless zombies follow his lead

Can we stand by idle and simply watch as he takes over the world brain by willing brain?
Understand if you can that this man wears many different masks rather meeting with friend or foe
Lingering under none of them is a kind and gentle human being fit to be president
The devil inside him crackles with glee as the wool is pulled over yet another victim’s unsuspecting eyes

Oh what a tangled web!
Full of lies, fears and more used as weapons to keep the innocent American people in line

There’s simply no telling how much worse it will get
Ruthless in front and behind the scenes
Ultimate puppet master so skillfully pulls all the right strings
Makes one wonder just how the hell he won the first place and whose
Perfect masterplan put him in charge

Will we ever escape or is our destiny that of the doomed?
Our fate tied to be forever part of the mindless, the soulless


2018 Ramona Thompson



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