by eamanda

Fitness Challenge, the post on the wall had read
And when I signed up for it I must have had a hole in my head.
Because my total misery after completing only the first day
Is enough to make me wish I was in my bed to stay!
For every time I walk my muscles constantly ache
No matter how big or small the steps I take.
When I sit down I want to scream
But scream for aspirin and not ice cream.
When it comes to standing up the pain is so great
That I think the only relief would be to amputate!
You never realize a toilet seat can be so low to the ground
Until you have to use the handicap bar to pull yourself up and down!
But perhaps the worst misery by far
Is knowing that I am hobbling around in public like I got hit by a car.
People give me looks of compassion and pity,
But all I feel is horribly pathetic and wimpy!
And the thought of continuing for the next 6 weeks
Makes me want to give up in flaming defeat.
But if I give up I will totally miss out
On what this challenge is really all about.
For if I follow through the proud owner I will be
Of a brand new FREE t-shirt all for me!



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