On an ancient sea cave wall appeared a drawing, of a tribal leaf clad pair awash with eros.
Fingers, hearts and hands in swirling patterns, chronicle their wonder world enchantment.
Deep blue eyes that eerily engage another’s longing send a shiver.
Red tinted headdress overblown, tingling  charcoal member’s sensual form.
Creepy atmospherics, hollow sounding  echoes,  phantom drip-drop puddles only whet my sense of wonder.
Goose pimples from the union of another age,
mills and boon back dated,
mirror on the past  beyond imaginings,
well outside the compass of our gadget-ridden zeitgeist.
Me, unshrinking era gazer, peered  for other clues and likely plots.
Happily a haunting ever after caught my eye
“This picture tells a story for all time.
Our secret lies within the lines we scrawl!”



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