Me a zombie?
Just a viral doofus poseur,
Brainiac and hacker on the loose tapping into other genie lamps,
Wireless Stikbot floater skipping ID challenges.
Hurdles that authenticate saliva from a silicone palate.
Trojan horse webber  getting kicks from pop up photos and their tick box phasers.
Magic putty slideshows are my fix,
Overlapping gotchas in the cryptic mainframe,
zapped on sight.
Cookies nerd obsessive,  parasitic nibbler on limitless net feeds,
Humanoid, human void,
vacuum mouse pad tracker ball bane.
Foxy email  phisser,
wolf amid the Wiki swathes at random,
memory never full.
But I am not a robot,
just some micro chip  app monger, macro chip on shoulder and those other parts designed  by desktop surgeons,
sideline  sci-fi  wise guy not so wise,
left stranded by the modern worlds escape into the ether.
Me this  CoderDojo mass encryption tangle,
barcode blue moon surfer, Janus-faced,
a mutant bit part player who has somehow lost his byte!



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