by Tanya

I slammed the door.
With a force that shook the house.
No, we didn’t have a fight.
No argument, no misunderstanding.
Maybe it was the episode that we watched together.
Where a husband throws the vases down to show anger.
Maybe it was a lack of good sleep.
Maybe it was the fact that he is getting ready to go out.
And I have to remain in.
Without purpose.
Without a job.
It’s crazy how these feelings arise.
Without a warning.
Just this morning, I was at peace.
Doing yoga, chatting with friends.
I even kissed him when he came out the bedroom door.
I kissed him, smelt the soap on his body.
What brought a change in mood?
What pulled me down?
Maybe it is the grey sky outside.
Or the long day that lies ahead of me, undivided by hours and minutes.
I wish I felt more positive.
I wish I had more life.
I wish I controlled myself, when,
I slammed the door.



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