Ubi commorēntur mānēs illī
Agricolae et Boudicae ambō
Tacitoquīlla cognōscēns benē
Pennāc ātrāmentō
Immortālēs foliīs mortuīs lātūs
Nostra vestrōrum admīrātiōnēs
Vītīs relictīs longīs rīdētīsne
Nunquam mihī licet immortālī
Sed si permittāt posteriōre
Meō pennāc ātrāmentō
Aeternitātem feram nōmina

Where now do the ghosts sojourn
Of Agricola and Boudicca
And Tacitus, with his pen and ink
Who knew them well?
Immortal ones, dead pages borne
Do you smile at our wonder
For your lives long gone?
I may never be immortal
But if the future wills
I might carry with my pen and ink
Your names into eternity



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