forefathers’ spirit of democracy
fueled global hard rock café freedom fervency
on the cusp of 250th anniversary
blossomed from the myth of a chopped down cherry
tree – that most nearly school age kids be leave every

other tall tale sprinkling united states history from gary
Indiana to the other set points on the syllabus itinerary
extant with many public districts,
n spouted by politicians named kerry

to underscore the greater than life legends,
though many leery
with nary an outward bound to fault find
as like the television icon perry

mason, whose fictionalized screened persona rarely
evinced any human flaw,
which icons n idols epitomize teary

salvation of virtue over vice drafted equality,
which no one seems to find fault
in such stars to neither tire nor get weary
though pride brought prejudice
especially mushrooming fanaticism quite scary!



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