She walks by me
in miniskirt and boots
with earphones she listens
to a song I cannot hear

I see him walking
a beard so black and full
looking at his cell phone
at something I cannot see

together they are hurrying
quickly hand in hand
looking eagerly before them
and I know not where they go

I hear somebody calling
a name out loud and clear
a song begins within my head
but I know not who she is

and I stop and wonder
that I do not know
just who they may be
all the people that I see

each one of them a person
each one with hopes and dreams
each one with a story that
I simply do not know

and I know I do not see them
and do not know who they are
and that I never wonder
and I never try to learn

I really do not see them
I really do not see
I really do not wonder
I really do not care

they really are invisible
someone I really do not see
I really do not try to see them
and learn who they really are



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