This portrait… like a distant toll…
Only on canvas, one can see
Erratic signs of human soul
Reflected in the colors’ sea.

I still remember, from the darkness
Of centuries in time’s abyss,
Her silhouette in its half starkness
Was looking wistfully at me.

Her eyes distorted my perception.
Half-smile, half-cry… Oh, God forbids!
Her eyes were like two deceptions
Concealed by shadowy eyelids,

Like an insolvable enigma,
An awe of wonder, or pure fright
Endowed on her by evil stigma…
Or was it just a play of light?

Her eyes…  an ecstasy of feelings,
Anticipation of demise,
Seizure of tenderness…  or maybe,
All one can feel was in her eyes.

When I just wander without a goal
On gloomy beach of northern sea,
Then from the bottom of my soul
Her eyes are glittering at me.



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