by Neekie

I have a dream

One that goes beyond the confines of poverty

a dream immune to the shackles of corruption

that a country shall rise

higher and above any ever seen

mightier than any giant ever known

that country is Nigeria

the unflinching giant of Africa

I have a dream

that one day we shall give not take

they say my country is but a child

but remember a child grows with time

to set the pace for others to follow

that child is Nigeria

the growing infant of Africa

I have a dream

that my love for my mother shall sustain her

that her cry for redemption shall cease

my dream holds a sparkling promise of hope

as I weep for the rape of a virtuous woman

whose only crime was to love and nurture

that woman is Nigeria

the loving mother of Africa

I have a dream

that my dream shall come true

that my sorrow and tears shall vanish forever

and my father shall smile once again

to lift me to his shoulders and direct my path

and regale me with stories of past heroes

that man is Nigeria

the protective father of Africa

I am Nigeria and Nigeria is I

Blood and water intertwined

My roots beneath African soil

There I was begotten, there I shall die.



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