<p style="text-align: center;"><strong>My mistress</strong></p><p style="text-align: center;">In fissure of your lips, mirrored I my world<br />And in my eyes, appeared the pink sky of love;<br />An unrested, uncolored was a bereft life, but<br />Being peopled in her palm I descried the caravan soon.<br />For sometimes it vanished, for a while, and the enemies<br />Seemed to become the sentinels of farm of my love.<br />Lunacy of adoration or a stupidity it to call?<br />That on my dry face, she viewed her own world.</p><p style="text-align: center;">Once your lips purses O, manhood cuddles to die for;<br />It is a charisma that I could see here right now,<br />In the name of hollow desires, withered my young heart<br />It is seldom you&rsquo;re that the beauty returned, therefore<br />Whenever I guess peace, you come to me. Yeah!<br />Whole world sees you, oh India! as that mistress.</p>



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