As I wait woefully for my love to come,
The shimmering sun sinks sullenly
and a wild wind washes the weary shores.
The knights of the night descend
to darken this God’s lively earth.

She did pledge, didn’t she?
Oh, she had promised,
She assuaged my concerns
with many assurances
my pleading, pining heart.
She said she’ll come,
Come what may,
at the very first light of day.

Trusting her I waited
from the dawn of the day
when the hustle and bustle begins
to the dusk of the day
when all creatures come home to roost.

Yet, she did not come,
Oh, what a wretched dilemma…

Should I still stay or go away?

O the star-laced sky, O the magnificent moon
O the wily wind, O the supreme seas,
Overcome by despair if I ponder to walk away,
I pray thee all…no matter what…

Never let me go!



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