Vultures and falcons
hover above, claws gleaming with eagerness
grotesque beings dart aggressively towards me - a culinary journey in view
My legs ferry me to the horizon, what mad hope - perhaps safety will snatch me into its satchel, just then -
the chasm unseen, claims my legs with a stumbling request - a dissent of which
lacerations robe my rind like one who fell into a billion needle hay stash - it slurps and slurps my mass
Two arms extend their greasy help,
soon possessed by exhaustion - going below slowly and steadily
The end draws nigh perhaps
What is life? - Heaps of futility muffles its answer
Religion fogs our senses, while fear of the unknown hunts us
The universe leaves the innocent to dance in the congregation of demons without a set of rules - The drums roar and tear the ambience of my peace of mind further
Must I partake?
*Chukwuokike what is your take?
The tears are trickling
My biceps are enfeebled
These letters are bearers of a plight - The young bard's



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