Zealot of crazy pavement or crazy paving.
One and the same to a short sighted pensioner.
Stoic though not reckless in staccato-like stride.
Cane waving in a frosty, menacing sweep.
Age is neither plight nor hindrance only skewed perception.
Rendez-vous in a roundabout place to spite dementia.
Window flung open by grey haired neighbour without gumption.
Nosey gossip at the cutting edge of rumour.
Condescension from my own breed.
Cheerful wave from care free youth on bike.
Wind borne words of kindness  make the early morning chill less harrowing.
Tread marks of a different kind await us all I fear.
Intuition my one and only compass at this point.
At every point.
Be alert. 
Mind the icy patch astride the curb.
Ah, there she is, her wrinkled outline in feint colour.
Madam's crutches like my cane, a badge of honour.
Soul mate of a certain vintage.
A date with time.




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