The Storefront

It is another day
I open my eyes from sleep
And prepare for the
Morning’s End
The mirror reflects my face
My eyes have a history.

It is time to go outside
I am walking now
The day is beautiful
And I see people walking
And carrying out their day
I find myself on a narrow
With businesses and restaurants
And wonderful coffee shops that
Carry memories of relief

I come to an empty storefront
A business that once had been
But had now moved on.

I look into the window
And my vision slightly blurs
From the memory in my heart
That oppresses my sight….

I remember a beautiful day
When painters came to an
Empty storefront

Bringing ladders
And buckets of paint

I happened to be
Passing by when
They first came
They painted and
And after a short while
A restaurant stood
Full of life and

It was owned by a man
Who had even more life
And ambition
And when we met
I was completely overcome
By an importance
To me
That was yet unknown

For a brief moment
Our lives met
Our paths crossed
He was an older one
Aspiring to conquer
The next phase
Of Life
I was the younger one
Who fell in love
Our paths merged
For a brief moment

That moment was
With beauty
And dreams formed
But not reached
With holding hands
That would soon
Let go
With endearing embraces
That were to be
Torn apart

With one heart waiting

I had watched the day
That the painters came
And I had watched the day
That the moving truck came
It came with men
Who took every piece that
Had formed the existence
Of the restaurant
The chairs
The tables
The plants
And pictures of
And pictures
Of him

I had watched the restaurant
Become an empty storefront
It stood days later
With an “available” sign
Lodged above it….

My eyes clear from fog
The memory returns to my heart
And I feel the shrill pain
Of its weight
I see the empty storefront
In front of me

It looks quite ordinary.

--Art of Thel



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