See her standing out there

Not noticing her is so rare
She's out there ready to share
Her light and beauty so fair.
Her pretty face, no one can mar
You can't help but notice her
A quite unique, golden star
Sparkling, shimmering, glimmering from afar.
When she moves across the sky
You've got to shout "Oh my!"
Her majestic movement makes yo sigh
And ask why she doesn't draw night.
Darkness tries but no avail
In her kingdom, she must prevail
darkness encompasses her like a veil
And then it's sent out her trail.
She's illuminated the whole night
You can't blink with such sight
You'll be mesmerized by her beautiful light,
If you engage in a fight.
Oh lovely charming moon
I had thought you only shone in June
But now I long for the passing of noon
Cup then, I know I'll se you soon.


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