The Sweet ,Sad Goodbye
The smile, the squint in the eyes
The folded arms, the look of surprise
She’s leaving today, she won’t be back
She has a new dream, to a destiny that
Won’t require her to pack
She hugs me, holds me close to her thin frame
Her face looks happy, despite my sadness
One she let’s go of me, things won’t
Be the same..
The sentiment of a sweet, sad goodbye
The words, the soft tone of her voice
The cup of coffee I won’t see anymore
Moving on, I don’t have a choice…
She’s making her way towards her new journey
A decision to make her smile bigger
A star has fallen close by her, telling her to be free
To chase the dream, the opportunity to grow
Leaving me to be the pleasure she got to know
The sentiment of a sweet, sad goodbye
I cry, and will miss her inside for a long time
I know she will be true to her destiny
She will wonder about me, I will miss the honesty
Only dreams and wishes can hide… 



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