Tell me what to think
Tell me what to say

Take away my life and then tell me how to live it
Tell me how to live a life I do not own

You needed my life because of your greed
Hiding behind good intent when all you wanted was control

Control me if you must
I can’t tell you what to do
But you can tell me
You will tell me

Take away my land and my home
Destroy my heart, my hope

Pretend like you’re healing it when you are only making it numb
Act like you care for mine, only to replace it with your own

Feed my mind with your own illusions
Maybe then can I act like you didn't do this to me

Maybe then can I act like I don't hate you
I will act like it

But know it
Know I act

I act out of fear
I act out of your control

For only when you are fooled by your own illusions
Will you set me free



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