Today begins a new phase in my life;
a U turn from an old self to a new being,
a diffusion of all my sorrows into the air of forgetfulness,
a full stop to reasons to cry
and rejuvenation of at least a reason to smile.

Today I choose joy over sorrow,
I choose to swing my hands and shake off my body all elements of depression.
Today I choose not to care about the bad days
but thank God for an atom of happiness he served me.

Today I quit being a character in a broken relationship,
waving goodbye to sad memories,
pains and loneliness.
Today I will take a step further in life;
to forget about things that are not mine
and appreciate what I've been blessed with,
to wash my heart clean of worries and deep thinking
cause I've start to believe that there are lots of reasons to live
and suicide is never an option.



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