by DavidKM

A visit from the lunar circus



"Surrender Dorothy" the sky sign read

and frumpy she recoiled in dread

while down the sky as on a pole

the circus slid a quarter mil-

lion miles to her front door.


Alas, performers fared quite ill

gravitas’ deadly pill

wrecked havoc on the concrete floor

acceleration’s looks could kill

on lunar troupe took ghastly toll.


Trapeze artists missed their marks

traversed the tent in erring arcs

scarcely any met the goal

(avoiding maiming, getting kilt)

blood, sweat, tears, from ev’ry pore.


The stilter snapped his 12-foot leg

upon the stair and hoarsely begged

to play the "shoot me" role, the core

of every character he played to hilt

or mountained from a hill of mole.


The elephants all broke their trunks

sword eaters pierced their tender lungs

jugglers dropped; magicians stole

their lines from klutzes, still

their master wanted more.


"Surrender: Dorothy" she begged

moon-lions legs their pact reneged

cycling clowns! What lay in store?

She'd more than had her bloody fill;

Crawled inside her mental hole.



The End



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