What a time to watch the world fall apart; or come together;

What a time to live in the greatest city in the world; or in a rural community miles away from others;

What a time to be social; or isolate;

What a time to relentlessly tune into the news; or intentionally tune out;

What a time for equity; or inequity;

What a time to wait on crowded lines; or not have access to the line;

What a time for acts of kindness; or exploitation;

What a time to pause; or fast forward;

What a time for confusion; or clarity;

What a time to be young and fearless; or older and cautious;

What a time to be on the “front lines;” or be “disposable;”

What a time to live alone; or in a “full house;”

What a time to experience the cancellation of major life events; or have nothing to look forward to;

What a time to be a teacher; or become a teacher overnight;

What a time for life to enter the world; or exit;

What a time to be healthy; or ill;

What a time to live; or die;

What a time to be free; or imprisoned;

And right now, what does it mean to be free?



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