by Potato

The Wild Obsession of Ducks


the mighty kings of floating

quacking bellows of power

truly ducks are the master race

You may not see them like this

but it is true indeed

In fact practically everything I tell you

is true indeed

Now I will begin to flatter

this race of kings

These almighty ones have obtained

many beautiful coats

that they may choose to wear

The emerald veil dubbed Mallard

finished with a silver necklace

You may also see the rainbow coat

of the Mandarin

floating proudly across the water

And also including

the crested duck with

the white crown

with a pale gown

Plenty more of these suits exist

but if I were to continue

I would not finish for a week and a half

specifically at half past noon

Now I dare say that these supreme leaders

lack only one thing

and that is desire to do stuff

I’m not saying they don’t have skills

such as eating anything they deem worthy

including only the best and most perfect grains

Alright anyways

they don’t care about anything

Most specifically ruling over this world

So in conclusion the ultimate race

best in everything else

only lacks

the care to rule.



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