I was told to write about a window
so a window I will write about,
how I stood on the outside
watching you carry on.

I guess I should tell you
the window glass wasn't clear,
but had a hazy glare that kept your life

I want to tell you that the window
was a one way mirror,
I could see you, but
you could not
see me. 

I suppose it was better this way because 
if you could then you see the pain
and hurt in my eyes for the love 
I had for you, enough so that I let you go.

What I didn't know was that you 
would take that distance and fly to find
another person to love and hold,
leaving me with only this window to peer in 
on your life. 

I was told that jealousy only rubs salt
deeper into the wound, 
so I scrolled up and stopped starring
at my only window of you. 



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