Weekly Contest

No contests this week.

Classic poem of the day

Good-morning, Revolution:
You're the very best friend
I ever had.
We gonna pal around together from now on.
Say, listen, Revolution:
You know, the boss where I used to work,
The guy that gimme the air to cut down expenses,
He wrote a long letter to the papers about you:
Said you was a trouble maker, a alien-enemy,
In other words a son-of-a-bitch.
He called up the police
And told 'em to watch out for a guy
Named Revolution.

You see,
The boss knows you're my friend.
He sees us hangin' out together.
He knows we're hungry, and ragged,
And ain't got a damn thing in this world —
And are gonna do something about it.

The boss's got all he needs, certainly,
Eats swell,

Read full poem

member poem of the day

New word in French I'll peer over? It is not what it seems at first glance

The joys of learning another language and the nuanced meaning of idioms which could be either sarcastic or complimentary.