Zmazuję słońce gumką 
niebo wyklejam gwiazdami 
księżyc wycinam z National Geographic 

Latarnie rozstawiam 
na pustych ulicach 
zapalając jedną przy twej ulubionej ławce 

Opadłe liście 
szeleszczą pod butami 
zebrane wiatrem 

W miejskiej fontannie pływa łabędź
nie wiem co on tutaj robi
sam nocą 

Chowa głowę w pióra
otulając się



I rub out the sun with an eraser
glue stars onto the sky
cut out the moon from a National Geographic

I arrange lamps
on empty streets
lighting one at your favourite bench

Fallen leaves
rustle under my boots
collected by the wind

A swan swims in the city fountain
I don’t know what he’s doing here
alone at night

He’s nestling his head in feathers
tucking himself
underneath his wings

First published in 'Pale Fire – New Writing on the Moon' Anthology



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Mohamed Sarfan's picture

Dear Poeter, This is a very wonderful poem. As a reader I let myself wander my mind through the glowing streets. The poem is subtly carved as a procession of thoughts through the appearance, style and aesthetics of swan. I hope this poem will definitely attract many readers and also give such innovative wonderful poems. Write More Congratulations

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