Billy Jack was known to be slack

and really slack was he.

He wouldn’t get up in the morning,

without a cup of tea.

Now that's not slack young Billy Jack

I’m slacker than he.

I won't get up in the morning

unless I need to pee!

So Billy Jack to confirm he was slack,

more slack than he.

Didn’t get up in the morning,

even though he needed to pee.

Now that’s really slack Billy Jack

some might even say stinky!

But it could have been much worse,

if we were talking about poo you see

So Billy Jack to prove he was slack,

slacker than anybody.

Did, in fact, stay in bed

even though he was doing a doodie!

Now at this time I’d like to announce

who Billy Jack is, really!

It might come as a complete shock,

but Billy Jack is me!



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