Yes,I live in a cage
But,no.I ain't that adorable animal you just assumed
Wasn't created artistically so can't be displayed either
Neither am I a beautiful,cursed rose in a glass dome that's of importance to someone's life nor a beastly creature

Despite being nothing,some,out of curiosity,came to see me
I performed the art of pretence from behind the bars
Guess what?They left.....
Miracle happened.Few chose to visit me regularly
"To which extent?For how long?",I really wonder

So,who confined me?
Me,myself.With the lock of "fear"......

Naively,I assumed that I was safe in this imprisonment.
May be one layer of steel bars around me wasn't enough.I was hurt.Frustrated,I built a new cage.
It was only possible to create ones inside the prior cage
Eventually,they suffocated me.They left me no space to live

My "locks of fear" drew excuses which brought me failure and nothingness.
Now,from the innermost cage,I'm unlocking,using "the key of courage".
With so many barriers to break through,the process might take long but,at least,for now,I have taken my first step and have spoken up.
"I'm darkness.I'm also the stars that shine through that darkness because I know how to embrace my inner monster."



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