What brings you here child
Prancing near my witch’s den
Come in and listen to the tale
For beauty often clashes the dementia of men
A tale of horror
Of death and despair
A tale of blood
That smudged the sweet maiden’s hair
The sweet maiden was like you
Light with innocence and cheer
With heaven-made braids
And eyes colored mere
Day pulling day
Tugging her end close
In the forest she did play
And lay when lethargy chose
But red was the sky that morn
And scorching was the sun
Preluding the mischief
Waiting for the morn to be done
Darker grew the night
And whiter grew the moon
And front to front the light met
The knife’s shiny gloom
He was a man of stature
But moonstruck was he
Although under her spell
Neither witch nor mystic was she
Unforeseen was her pain
And swift, her fall
On the crimson stained dress
Life drained all
So crunched the dry leaves
And crisp came the breeze
Pale arrived the dawn
And the air wooed the trees
And so the sweet maiden’s life faded
Yet life loitered all the same
Flows still the river
And fiery still the flame
Beneath the earth rumbled
And above the earth soared
The flowers bowed to the wind
And slaves to their lord
Such is the cruelty of life
It heeds not the dead
Such as you must be                          
Dismiss your woe and dread



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