by DavidKM

Frosty the Golem

The magic parsnip, the gift of coal,
and the Word brought him to life.

The snowmaton stumps downtown,
bah-humbugging tinsel and blinking lights,
muttering around the parsnip.
I thought I heard him say
True meaning of Christmas
my snowy white ass
as he broke the blinking lights
and kicked the town creche to smithereens.

He's not bad, Dr. Frost will say,
he's one of my closest friends
but if that’s so,

why'd ol' Jack nibble that parsnip to a nub,
breathe hotly on Frosty's snow-white forehead?
The snowglem never moved again:
it was spring, after all.
But that ol' water cycle tells how Frosty
went down to the sea, up into the sky,
pretty near everywhere,
and where rain falls on the parsnip fields,
if an early frost heaves up, 
he starts walking to the lights
in late October, and he says,

to no one in particular,
I better not see
any gol dern red-green action
till the gobbler gets it.



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