I stretched out my feeble hand for help,
Our hands did make contact,
I was out of breath,but miraculously my words were succinct,
You could clearly hear all I said,inspite of the fact I was deep down a big hole,
But instead,my pleas were given a cold shoulder,
I reckoned it was in order,
Asking a fellow human being for help in times I did need it the most,
Irony at the fact,you kept saying I stretch out my hands much further,
In my plight and distress,I could still see our hands had made contact already,
No doubt,it was now apparent I was going down!
You posed as sly,as you headed towards town,
Where you said more pressing and urgent matters awaited,
What,despicable human nature!
I raised out my voice in desperation,
Hoping against all odds,from the nation,
I could find but one person to come to my aid,
Thankfully,I did find some help and I lived to narrate this sad story,
Lessons now learnt,man only lives to take all glory,
What does not afford him benefits,aint worth his attention,
But in that despicable pool,I could still fish out few good people!
It seems a part of humanity appreciates the beauty in seeing everyone jolly,
I scorn those who pose around as holy!
Yet,cannot lend out a helping hand to those in need.



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