by DavidKM
I Keep Going Back To That Weekend

    the west wind was blowing

    dust plumes streamed off the ridge

    like the smoke from a cold fire

    you ran out to the sky, arms reaching up

    and me with my legs

    stumping along after like a useless gob

    something reached down

    it wasn't the twister, that came later

    something leaned down from the stars

    a ghostly phosphorescent arm

    I could only see with my bad eye

    it touched you and you were gone, it was gone

    back up to its bright cold home in the sky

    only then did the twister crest the hill

    it lept the valley and I fell in the dirt

    I laid there till dawn, but you did not return

    so I keep going back to that weekend

    but each time I do I forget

    I forget until it's over what I have to do this time

    and you are taken again and again



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