Maybe dreaming in my lonely stupor
I can dare to dream, for chance
In a window in the night, a light burns
And someone at a bar is waiting for me
To walk in from the rain and say hello
Maybe she will ask what took me so long
I would say that I was detoured by fate
Washed up on a shore I didn’t know where
And my kin were told I died of misadventure
Only for me to find out God was a Pooh bear
And I’ve been disappointed for too long
Playing games of death by a thousand questions.

Now, I want to love her and make her mine
Give her all the diamonds and bands of gold
I want it, in all the words I can think of
To the woman I know who sits alone tonight
In some bar, in her lonely stupor, waiting
For I’m coming, trying to arrive at least
Before the light goes out and the doors shut
When I’ve been waylaid by the hand of fate
And my kin have been told I died of misadventure
I will try to find you, before you depart into the long night ahead.



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