Everyone’s got theirs
That once in a lifetime friend-they don’t come in pairs.

Mine was this dude named Mike
A smooth talking  antique hustling semi gangster
That you can’t help but like

Talk game strong and his nights usually long
Had a smile that could light up even the biggest shed
All American good looks ; compliments always went straight to the head

When I first met him he was young and hungry for success
He took a gamble for a friend and ended up in a big  legal mess

Cost him the best years of his life
Never gonna have that house , kid, or wife

Some people think he was a bad dude
They are as ignorant as they are rude

He allegedly made his living selling drugs
Didn’t lie,cheat, or steal and he was anything but a thug

He was was intelligent, witty, and his loyalty ran deep
With the occasional erratic outburst provoked by lack of sleep

Someone I was proud to call my friend
From the late 90s till the tragic end

So people please listen to my plea
Because this is what Mike could never see

You gotta slow down and make a few minutes every day
Hit your knees and make time to pray

Stop complaining about things making you stressed
And realize if you woke up and
still breathing today
you really are blessed

Live each day as if it was your last
Don’t let anything or anyone define you especially your very own  past

Life will teach you an expensive lesson
Every person you encounter in it truly a blessing

Eventually you will feel the cost
Learning to love the ones you have lost



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